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O-Ring for Spin Clean® Filters (Replacements for 3/4" up to 2")

O-Ring for Spin Clean® Filters  (Replacements for 3/4" up to 2")
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Orings for Spin Clean Filters by Jain - Rivulis Irrigation.  We stock both sizes.

  • The #72140037 O-Ring fits both 3/4" and 1" Jain Irrigation Spin-Clea Screen Filters
  • The #72140008 O-Ring fits both 1 1/2" and 2" Jain Irrigation Spin-Clean® Screen Filters

* See Images For Dimensions * 


Product Features of the Spin Clean

  • No moving parts 
  • Unique Spin Clean® action keeps the screen clean during operation • Engineered plastic construction is light in weight and resistant to corrosion and injected chemicals
  • Two piece threaded housing with O-ring seal for easy screen access and maintenance
  • Pressure ratings of max 80 psi available in ¾” and 1” models, 150 psi rating for 1½”, 2” and 5E-40-1½” models. • Strong stainless steel screen elements available in 30, 50, 100, 150 (standard) and 200 mesh
  • Vinyl screen collars prevent debris from by-passing filter area • Available with ball valve for flushing debris basin • Only 5-8 psi pressure loss required across filter to ensure best self cleaning action
Operating with Flow Rates Lower than Minimum Required If it is known that the Spin Clean filter will be operating at lower flow rates than rated flow, or if it is discovered that the flow rate of a system is insufficient to give the filter the minimum pressure differential required, changing the spin plate may be necessary to assure full self-cleaning action.
For 4E-3/4 and 4E-1 Plastic filters, the spin plates are interchangeable, so a ¾” spin plate may be used in a 4E-1 filter to accommodate a lower flow rate. For 4E 1-1/2 and 4E-2 Spin Clean® Plastic filters, all spin plates are interchangeable and various spin plates are available with different flow ranges. The Flow Range chart showing the flow rates corresponding to the spin plate to be installed should be used as a guide. For 5E-40 Plastic filters, hollow vinyl flow insert tubes are used for flow reduction. Any number of inserts may be used up to the number of nozzles in the spin plate. The Flow Range chart showing the flow ranges for each installed flow insert should be used as a guide. The vinyl flow inserts are solvent welded into the rigid PVC spin plate using PVC cement for welding flexible PVC to rigid PVC (such as IPS Weld-On #2795. Flow inserts should be installed from the top side of the nozzle openings with the top of the insert flush with the top surface of the spin plate.
Maintenance Care should be taken to keep the operating pressure differential across the filter between 5-8 psi. Pressure reading should be monitored sufficiently to detect any build up of pressure differential during normal operation, which indicates the start of filter screen plugging. When this occurs, the system should be shut down, the filter drained and disassembled. The screen element should be washed thoroughly using a high pressure spray washer, spraying from outside in. Several steps can be taken to extend the maintenance interval: 1. Start with a thoroughly clean screen element. Rinsing with garden hose pressure is not as good as using a pressure washer. 2. Make sure the filter never runs with less than a 5 psi differential. 3. Change spin plates or use more Flow Inserts (on the 5E-40 model) to boost operating differential to 8 psi if not already achieved, to further increase cleaning action. 4. Increase flush flow rate for continuous flushing filters. 5. Pre-screen heavy organic/aquatic loads with a coarse screen filter at the pump inlet for surface water installations. 6. Open flush valve fully on start-up to prevent sudden loading from a surge of contaminants.

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